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Seminar: Organic carbon cycling in estuaries and coasts: insights from the molecular level

Seminar: Organic carbon cycling in estuaries and coasts: insights from the molecular level

24 Mar 2021 (Wed)

11:30am - 12:30pm

Zoom link:
(Meeting ID: 974 5045 1221 ; Passcode: 984853)

Dr. Ding HE, School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University

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Organic carbon (OC), including dissolved and particulate forms, undergoes intense physical and biochemical alteration/modification during its transport along the river-ocean continuum. Globally, roughly 0.4 Pg of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) is transported annually from the river to the ocean. The composition, sources, biogeochemical cycling and environmental fate of OC in the estuaries and coastal oceans have always been intriguing to marine biogeochemists. Besides, the composition of coastal OC is also highly related to anthropogenic activities, and it still remains uncertain how and to what extent anthropogenic influences may be altering the dynamics of OC in the estuarine and ocean margin regions. Despite decades of efforts, we still have a very limited understanding of biogeochemical processes in estuaries and coasts, especially at the molecular level. In this presentation, I will focus on (i) introducing the broad background of OC cycling in estuaries and coasts; (ii) reviewing multiple state-of-the-art analytical techniques (optical spectroscopy, lipid biomarker fingerprinting, bulk and compound specific isotopes, and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry); and (iii) talking about some specific case studies. The major goal of this presentation is to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations of all scientists who have common interest but with different expertise.

Speaker Biography:

Dr. Ding He, a marine organic geochemist, obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Florida International University in year 2014. Later he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Georgia, and obtained the “tenure-track assistant professor” position from Auburn University. Now he is holding a “hundred talent professor” position at Zhejiang University.

Dr. He is mainly engaged in the source, transformation and ultimate fate of organic carbon in estuaries and coasts. He has obtained more than 6 grants (including 2 NSFC) as the leading PI, and trained one postdoc, three doctoral and three master students. Dr. He has published 24 papers (as the first or corresponding author) in the reorganized journals, such as Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Water Research, Organic Geochemistry, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, Aquatic Sciences, Science of the total Environment, JGR-Biogeosciences, Scientific Reports, Geomicrobiology Journal. He serves as the editorial broad members for journals including Frontiers in Marine Sciences, Frontiers in Microbiology, and Frontiers in Chemistry. He just won Hong Kong “Lim Por-yen High Technology Award” in year 2020.

All Are Welcome!
