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Faculty Recruitment

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5 October 2022

Job Title: Faculty Positions
Department: Department of Ocean Science
Job ID: 8005

Job Posting Details

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is a world-class research institution with over 600 faculty members whose research ranges from science to engineering, business and social sciences, and cross disciplines. Located in the Clear Water Bay area, HKUST’s campus has a magnificent ocean view and is widely known as one of the most beautiful campuses in the world. 

Department of Ocean Science was established under the School of Science in February 2018. The Department primarily focuses on marine ecology (existing strength), oceanography, and ocean technology covering coastal region to deep-sea.  The Department is seeking applications for tenure-track positions at all ranks in all disciplines of ocean sciences and technologies, preferably ocean technology, marine biotechnology and ocean data science.

Applicants should have a PhD degree in any of the above fields, preferably with at least 2 years of post-doctoral experience.  Successful candidates should have strong research track records.  They are expected to establish an independent research program and contribute to the missions in undergraduate and postgraduate education of the Department. The medium of instruction is English.

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HKUST offers internationally competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits including medical and dental benefits, annual leave and housing benefits will be provided where applicable. Appointment for Professor will be on substantive basis.  Initial appointment for Assistant Professor/Associate Professor will normally be on a three-year contract, renewable subject to mutual agreement.  A gratuity will be payable upon successful completion of contract.

Application Procedure
Application materials including a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae, research accomplishment and proposal (maximum 3 pages), three representative publications and teaching statement (maximum 1 page) should be sent to the Chair of Search and Appointments Committee (  Applicants should arrange at least 3 letters from referees sent directly to the Chair of Search and Appointments Committee to complete their application.  The recruitment process will continue until all positions are filled.

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(Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)

HKUST is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.