
14 Nov 2019
The Office of Postgraduate Studies (PGSO) is going to organize an MPhil and PhD Information Session on 14 Nov 2019 (Thursday). MPhil & PhD Information Session Date: 14 Nov 2019 (Thursday) Venue: LT-B (Introduction and alumni/student sharing & School breakout session) Rundown: 6:00 - 6:30pm Introduction of MPhil and PhD studies in HKUST with Student/Alumni Sharing 6:40 – 7:30pm Breakout Sessions by Individual Schools Read more
14 Nov 2019
The Office of Postgraduate Studies (PGSO) is going to organize an MPhil and PhD Information Session on 14 Nov 2019 (Thursday). MPhil & PhD Information Session Date: 14 Nov 2019 (Thursday) Venue: LT-B (Introduction and alumni/student sharing & School breakout session) Rundown: 6:00 - 6:30pm Introduction of MPhil and PhD studies in HKUST with Student/Alumni Sharing 6:40 – 7:30pm Breakout Sessions by Individual Schools Read more
07 Feb 2019
To encourage students to choose BSc Environmental Science as major, the Department of Ocean Science set up an annual “ENVS UG Scholarship” for students who achieve outstanding academic record in the freshman year and choose BSc Environmental Science as major. [1] Award: One-off scholarship of HK$20,000 (First-class) or HK$10,000 (Second-class). Read more
14 Nov 2018
HKUST signed a tripartite framework agreement with Guangzhou Science Technology and Innovation Commission and South China Sea Institute of Oceanography (Chinese Academy of Science) on establishing collaboration for fostering the development of marine sciences and technology of the Greater Bay area through the setting up of provincial laboratory. A Hong Kong branch will be established at HKUST to support the development of provincial laboratory. Read more
14 Dec 2017
Prof Jianping Gan, Chair Professor of the Department of Ocean Science, received a large-scale grant from RGC Theme-based Research Scheme 6th Round (2016/17) for the proposal "Diagnosis and Prognosis of Intensifying Eutrophication, Hypoxia and the Ecosystem Consequences around Hong Kong waters: Coupled Physical- Biogeochemical-Pollution Studies". Read more
08 Dec 2017
Prof Peiyuan Qian, Acting Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Ocean Science, David von Hansemann Professor of Science, won the School of Science Service Award 2017. This Award is given to Science faculty members at all levels and teaching track faculty for their outstanding services contribution. The selection was conducted by the School Awards Committee among competitive nominations from respective Division and Departments. One faculty member is selected for the Award. Read more